Thursday, 4 October 2018

Rich(ichi) or not at City Hall

"The issue is people hanging around downtown. I know every one of them by name, and I hire four of them every day to clean up for me and sweep."
                             Rob Richichi/PART1: Nelson council candidates profiles
                                          Nelson Star, Sep. 26, 2018

Such empathy! - while categorizing one and all "as people who mix recreational and street drugs with their mental health issues". This - according to him - promptly leading to homelessness and - big one! - impacting "the quality of life downtown".
Which can only be upped with more cops - lots more! 

Conflict of Interest?

Rob Richichi - running for Council - is the owner of Aldo's Cleaners: on contract with City Hall for years - cleaning NPD/NFD uniforms.

This raises 2 questions:
Should he (have) let this be known publicly to preempt any whispers about a possible conflict of interest in the making?
Rules do not require him to present this information when registering for his election.
One may argue though that making it public while campaigning would be the morally correct path to take: campaigns ostensibly being about building trust and confidence with the electorate.

If he were to be elected: what should/would happen with his contract - if anything?
According to the Community Charter, 107 (1a): "If a municipality enters into a contract in which a council member...has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest, this must be reported as soon as reasonably practicable at a council meeting that is open to the public."

While the Charter here does not clarify what is reasonably practicable and who must do the reporting - go figure! - 

(2) then states: "In addition to the obligation under Section 100 (disclosure of conflict), a council member...must advise the corporate officer, as soon as reasonably practicable, of any contracts that must be reported under Subsection 1 in relation to that person."

In plain-speak: if he is elected - this relationship really needs to be dealt with in the first public meeting of the new Council, with the Corporate Officer having to be advised of it then by him as well.  
Nothing to hide? and all that.
Yet Richichi would have to recuse himself from any actual Council deliberations of his situation.

If he does not promptly declare a possible pecuniary conflict of interest, but Council decides that indeed it is: this could lead to disqualification from holding office. Ultimately it's up to (new, inexperienced) Council to make that decision.

The Charter does not - why not? - address a situation in which someone already is in a contractual relationship of pecuniary interest with the City when becoming Councillor. While it would be reasonable to let a contract with only little time left - how little, though? - play out: Council allowing even this may appear disengaged from the public's best interest.

Aside from the possibly problematic chronology of his (current?) contract if elected - Richichi has had a no-competing-bids hold on City Hall for ages. Has convenience for the City in his case actually superseded proper procurement-procedure? And how far can Council safely step into that territory?

Keeping in mind that in Nelson politics and business are often nudged by personal histories, and in politics public perception often is stronger than fact: imagine several Councillors continuing an arrangement of pecuniary benefit with City Hall when elected.
Would you trust that Council as a whole?
Would the not-benefiting Councillors trust the ones with whatever perceived inside-tracks?
Would such Council be a strong team?

While there are obvious issues with the Community Charter and City Procurement: it seems advisable for Richichi to either not continue/attempt to renew his contract if elected - even though this may seem impracticable for City/NPD/NFD! - or withdraw from running for Council.

One or the other!

Keeping it clean!

Image Credits:
City of Nelson

Frances Long, Admin Director

Sarah Winton, Deputy Corporate Officer

Deb Kozak, Mayor

City Council         

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