Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Cal Renwick: No S(CORE)!

Renwick's mantra - as candidate for City Councillor:

"When I look at how Baker Street has been allowed to deteriorate, with aggressive panhandling and open drug use and violence; when I hear tourists for the first time ever saying that they won't come back to Nelson; and when I hear residents say that they are scared to visit their own downtown, it's clear that new leadership is needed at council."
                                     Cal Renwick
                                     Star/Nelson Daily

Yours - I take it.


Listen Up, Cal!

How exactly has Baker been allowed by whom to deteriorate since when? Deteriorate as such or because of aggressive panhandling, open drug use and violence? Be specific!
Did you take pictures; submit letters to local papers; have interviews on local radio-stations; present plans to the Nelson & District Chamber of Commerce (NDCC); address Council in COWs; get all this on facebook?

How many incidents of aggressive panhandling have you personally witnessed, been subjected to (even just read about in local media) over what period of time where? Actually - how many cases of just plain panhandling - period?
Did you video them; call the police; talk to meter-maids; submit letters to local papers; have interviews on local radio-stations; address Council in COWs; get all this on facebook?

What kinds of open drug use have you witnessed how many times where? 
Did you video them; alert the police; submit letters to local papers; have interviews on local radio-stations; address Council in COWs; get all this on facebook?


How many acts of violence - what specifically?! - did you witness, were subjected to how many times where?
Did you intervene; video them; 911 the police; submit letters to local papers; have interviews on local radio-stations; address Council in COWS; get all this on facebook?

When how many? tourists told you for the first time ever (you personally - or generally never before anyone?) that they won't be coming back to Nelson: did you ask them why not specifically?
Did you record them; connect with Nelson Tourism; submit letters to local papers; have interviews on local radio-stations; address Council in COWs; get all this on facebook?

How many residents - of what age? - told you personally how many times that they are scared to visit their own downtown?
Did you video and offer to accompany them; alert the police; submit letters to local papers; have interviews on local radio-stations; address Council in COWs; get all this on facebook?


You are shamelessly fear-mongering, pandering to the most base Twitter instincts: Cal's fake news!
As you and your gang - one for all/all for one! - couldn't possibly have actually had (any of) these experiences you go on about - in Nelson???: this is your time to become informed like responsible adults and communicate substantiatable facts instead. Only!

I mean - wtf, Cal!

Clearly - neither you nor your co-runners and fellow-believers are - and will be in time for the coming election - as you see yourselves: 
new-leadership material.

Retired - with too much time on your hands?
Your wife wants you out of the house?

Image Credit:

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