Monday, 31 July 2017

What DOES Matter! (Part 2)

"What was your motivation for running for the office of mayor?"

"I'd been on council for 6 years, and it seemed like the logical next step. The last few years had been kind of frustrating for me, because I'd seen Rossland council make some decisions that I didn't necessarily think were in the best interest of the community, and I wanted an opportunity to make some changes."

                                                             Moore for Rossland
                                                                      Kristen Mitchell
                                                                      KOOTENAY BUSINESS, 2014

Following is a rerun of
Kathy Moore, City Councillor
1 May, 2014,
continuing from
What DOES Matter! (Part 1)
23 July, 2017,
the post directly below this.

When Councillor Moore over time perceives irregularities in the City of Rossland procurement-, contracting-, governance-processes, she - pretty much single-handed - brings her concerns to City Council - nothing! -  then the Mayor - nothing! - then up/down/across City Hall - nothing! - and all along the local/regional political food-chain - always nothing!

Resistance from/in all directions must often feel insurmountable: she persists!

In ever widening circles - she ends-up with the Auditor General for Local Governments in Victoria, which investigates and decides to support her concerns, to then publish a report for all to see. With court cases and tough recommendations in the works: those in charge of this-and-that in fair Rossland are hyperventilating.

I deeply admire Councillor Moore for her sense of integrity: safely taking her through all-interrelated political/business/social Smallishtown potholes. Yet all this comes down to: Kathy Moore simply doing the job she was elected to do!

End of post


In Nov. 2014, Kathy Moore is elected mayor of Rossland, taking office together with an entirely new Council.

Image Credit:
Sean Heisler

Councillor Bob Adams

Councillor Robin Cherbo

Councillor Michael Dailly

Councillor  Janice Morrison

Councillor Anna Purcell

Councillor Valerie Warmington   

1 comment:

  1. My commentaries in the media might fall under the category Donna McDonald is speaking to. But it comes from trying to help and being ignored.

    A city council can only make its best decisions from the information brought to them by their experts. In the case of the Community Solar Garden that was Alex Love manager of Nelson hydro.

    I have written many emails to mayor, council and city managers, the all know the information, nobody has done anything but ignore deny and hope I will go away.

    Now wipe your brain clean of anything you think you know about solar power and look at the costs.

    The solar garden real whole costing is over $500,000.

    BC Hydro has purchased power from Nelson hydro if the entire years worth of solar garden power were purchased by BCH we would get maybe $300.

    The manager of Nelson hydro says the solar garden power is a credit against excess power purchased from Fortis. Our hydroelectric plant doesn't make all our power, in winter our water licence requires us to reduce our output almost 50% resulting in most excess power purchases in winter. A time when solar doesn't work. Annually about $6M is purchased wholesale and resold for about a 300% profit.
    Calling the solar power a credit is in my opinion deceptive if not fraudulent. And nothing is cleaner or greener than waterpower. The solar garden increases this cities carbon footprint, the opposite of what those opting in thought.
    So put it all together, the project is a lose lose for everyone yet nothing was ever done no matter how hard I tried to show them the real value, the solar garden is not only worthless to this city, its an expense. And it was presented to this mayor and council by their expert as a business case. The mayors attempt at the green vote? Maybe this will help Ms McDonald understand some of the negativity in the media comments.
