Wednesday, 13 April 2016

The Moore Challenge

Rossland wins federal voter challenge
                                     Nelson Star, 5 Apr, 2016

Before the last federal election some Nelsonites organize a Community Voter Challenge (not a federal voter challenge - as in the Star's header) in which participating communities would attempt to outdo each other in somehow increasing their voter turnout over that of 2011. Percentages.
Nelson ends-up 5th - oops! - in a total of 9, while Rossland wins. And Mayor Kathy Moore comes to Nelson to pick-up the award.

This is not where the story ends - but how it begins.

Late 2011
As City Councillor - Moore starts to dig into what has been perceived for several years as irregularities in municipal procedure: more specifically - she openly explores a recent case of questionable tender-or-not and connected cost-overruns at City Hall. 

Also see blog-post
Kathy Moore, City Councillor
1 May, 2014

What with Smallishtown politics being very personal, business being very personal and the personal being very cliquish: beyond the usual furtive ducking and weaving she gets little decisive support from anyone at City Hall for her Action Plan. Regardless - over time she mostly single-handed takes-on just about everybody in connection with: Mayor, CAO, CFO - the lot. It's the proverbial taking-on-city-hall - all of it! - but from the inside!
And gaining considerable in-your-face support from a public kept exhaustively well-informed by news-media - like the online version of The Castlegar News.


3 Jan, 2013
After a very public meeting with His Worship Mayor Granstrom - with very blunt questions backed into a corner of his own making - The Castlegar News quotes an attending citizen with "I want to publicly thank Coun. Moore for her steadfast integrity, and I heartily recommend her as role model for the rest of council," Holmes said. (Long applause)

25 Jan, 2013
Strong public support in a very vocal public-input session is instrumental in pushing Rossland Council to pass Moore's motion to request that BC's new Auditor General for Local Government (AGLG) investigate the big picture of policy, procedure and governance in Rossland that may have contributed to the ... arena scandal. As per The Castlegar News, 30 Jan, 2013

Eventually the AGLG in Victoria agrees with Moore's concerns and makes several recommendations.  

Nov, 2014
Kathy Moore is elected mayor of Rossland with 3 times the number of votes as her opponent. Granstrom - running for council! - is left in the slipstream.


So you see - Rossland being first in the Community Voter Challenge is no surprise. It now has a mayor whose work-ethic is stupendous - formerly as councillor simply doing what needed to be done: her job. Regardless. And a very pro-active electorate is paying attention.


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