Saturday, 27 September 2014

The Co-op After Extensive Community Consultation

At the Co-op's AGM, Sep. 24 - an employee/member-owner asks to have the Nelson Commons issue included in the AGM proper - as opposed to leaving it until the Member Information Meeting (MIM) segment at the end.This is significant: Having various condo-concerns raised by member-owners (M-O) - and discussed/responded to in the AGM - is very different from listening to tailor-made info and possibly being able to respond and then to only that in the shorter MIM.
The switch is promptly denied by the Board President. While - no surprise, surprise! and no procedural difficulties - items on the agenda for the MIM are moved into the AGM. She also allows: a meeting addressing the redevelopment could be called for all members at some point - and immediately buries that hot potato under other stuff! Never to mention it again!
Helped along nicely with a persistently malfunctioning microphone and the air-con blasting hot until half-way through. The M-Os promptly go numb - with the Prez not once encouraging the few who do speak to speak-up.
This AGM couldn't have been planned any better! For Management/Board (M/B)! Phew! Close one!
Then - the anonymous person writing the now-on-line Board Blog: AGM & MIM Report about the meetings: at great lengths places items actually dealt with in the AGM as handled in the MIM!
Where am I? What 27 mill real-estate development? 
Just sayin'!

This after Common Ground reports under -
The Commons - The story of our time
Two local examples
Archive: May 2014 -
the condo-project initially is planned after extensive community consultation.
No, no, no - the community is never consulted, neither are M-Os: this project is cooked-up by the M/B behind very closed doors - since then moved forward totally lacking transparency, accountability!
Thus untrue!

Many M-Os understandably are concerned - feel disregarded as such, jerked-around, really! If democracy is to be found at this Co-op in this AGM in this MIM: it is political instead of social. Following the Harper's dictum: We're only doing what you elected us to do. Actually - simply following our own rules - we can do anything we want so there, M-Os!

More (or significantly less) Common Ground:

12.000 Members
The Co-op has no grasp on how many members are active, inactive, have moved away, died, lost interest, whatever - thus its claim to now having 12.000 members is a self-glorifying exaggeration. Not to forget: Nelson only has about 10.000 inhabitants.
Thus untrue!
74 of these 12.000 members and 20 non-members! attend this AGM.

Units Sold
...half of the Nelson Commons units have been sold, with construction slated for this summer, a model for co-ops and progressive commons housing initiatives.
The Co-op has not sold 27 units by April 2014, when this issue is prepared.
Thus untrue!

A Model for Co-ops
The condo-block is just that. It is not a model for co-ops (housing?): the only connection with this co-op is the condos being planned by 2 specifically created by it non-co-op-companies and its store-space downstairs to be rented from one-or-the-other. While totally without co-operative input from M-Os.
Thus untrue!

Progressive Housing
Progressive commons housing initiative is just so much gluten-free tree-hugging come-on: this is a generic for-profit condo-development! Neither particularly cheap nor particularly pleasing aesthetically! With nothing commons about it - the environment/location and Nelsonites' attitude - except for the name's cool-factor.
Thus untrue! 

On Uncommonly Shaky Ground
So much for the Kootenay Co-op in Common Ground - its motto:
Healthy People - Healthy Planet
It's all connected
Weeell - not so much to the reader/M-O - through facts and adequate research - before actually published as vainglorious Co-op bluster!

More AGM
And more disconnect from M-Os - they barely appearing in reports this and that presented. One exception: the announcement that this year M-Os will not receive the customary yearly rebate -  supposedly it wouldn't make sense financially. M-Os in the audience are not gentled into this, asked for their understanding: this is announced as just one more decision by the Board!

One of the directors - in charge of outreach and pleased with his motivational self - talks about how much more info is going out to M-Os this year than ever before.
What he fails to mention: none of the deluge of condo-info in various forms is hard, satisfyingly up-to-date-informative - it's all repetitious condo-soft-sell. This too may be called outreach: but behind automatic gluten-free tree-hugging fuzziness - deliberately obfuscating.
When he applauds the president-about-to-resign - I bet she's ready! - for her total wonderfulness - many M-Os/guests don't join-in.

Another director - according to the Star, Sep. 26 - claims in the MIM: There's little that management knows that the membership doesn't (sic). Nice try! Superficially this may be the case, what with endless financial reports handed-out and run ad nauseam for M-Os in the AGM - comfortingly-safely taking-up much time - but the membership still knows nothing about the period between just before the condo-decision made and this AGM's numbers-only presented - spanning over 2 years!

Common Purpose
What becomes clear in this meeting: they all work hard to make THEIR project happen, and with having to sharply focus their inexperienced collective energy - they create their own simplified exclusive reality - gestalt - with its own path and values. And within that operative give-up their commonality - the co-.

So - M-Os don't enter: no common ground!

The Condos?
What's (un)clear from this AGM: financing of the project seems fragmented, partly based on conjecture - this contingent on that. It reminds me of making a payment due on one credit-card with another with another....... 


Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Destination: Nelson! (Part 3) - The Extra(Ordinary)

This 3rd in a series of 5 follows:
Destination: Nelson! (Part 1)
6 Sep. 2014
Destination: Nelson! (Part 2) - Festival of Lights
13 Sep. 2014

The reason for this series found in the name: turning Nelson! proper into a destination-with-distinct-purpose instead of it remaining just a stopover-with-shopping-possibilities: provided currency exchange-rates are favorable.

With Baker Street the center of the Nelson universe: there bringing much-touted and relied-on heritage manifestations into the present is vital for attracting the multitude. The whole - rather drab in collective coma most of the year - only during high tourist-season somewhat screened behind leafy trees and brash-petunia flower-baskets/beds. And pretty much closing-down - little to do for tourists, anybody really! - after about 7pm.
With stores closing around 5 - rather obvious economic opportunities curiously remain unrecognized thus untapped by the downtown-business group!

The idea behind these posts is to color heritage-downtown - as done successfully all over the Western world - with brightly-energetic paint for daytime and lighting-magic added after dark. Then - the downtown experience blocked to vehicle-traffic: Nelson alive! and open for memorable socializing, entertaining - business! - well into the night! High energy!

The City - with no vision of itself for now and the future - consistently leaves stabs at improvement to outside-consultants: off-the-rack results promptly unremarkable - none ever focused on a Nelson transformation. At best fits-and-spurts without cohesive purpose.
The latest consultant is on the way: for "lighting, benches and banners" - vaguely announced by the Chief Administrative Officer - not his job! - with Council - clearly theirs - passively silent. Low energy!
The city's self-limiting scope - represented by the in-name-only Downtown Master Plan - makes one wonder what creative long-term impact this consultant may be ready to bring - aside from more comfort-clutter. Seeing that he will probably spring from the M&Ms group - responsible for said in-name-only plan. 

He promotes an architectural design concept that goes beyond utilization, where lighting can have a high impact on a person's emotional states.

He is Dean Skira - an acclaimed architectural-lighting designer - widely working/awarded internationally. As a matter of course - taking lighting past the merely functional-if-pretty - in urban, landscape, commercial and residential settings - to being artistic statements.
From gently, sensitively illuminating a whole town of considerable age and beauty in Croatia to edgy light-towers in the Italian Pavilion at La Biennale di Venezia, in Venice, Italy arguably the most prestigious international arts meet.
Light - medium for artistic expression.


This project changes industrial blight into a magical environment of majestic proportions. Cranes in the harbor of Pula, Croatia.

The extraordinary ordinary!

Nelson with possibilities beyond predictable heritage and current administration: the first step needs to be a locally con/perceived vision - no matter how fuzzy, inarticulate in the beginning. But in movement! Clearly - experts of whatever kind would eventually enter: but only as support - not to originate!

We can be and do better!

Next post:
Destination: Nelson! (Part 4) - (Trans)Formation


Skira D.O.O. Electrical Installation Design
Pula, Croatia


Thursday, 18 September 2014

Co-op AGM: Questions to ask!

Recently I receive a message from an out-of-town reader of this blog: Not a Co-op member/owner (M/O) - only vaguely informed but curious about the planned new store and Nelson Commons - she e-mails the Board a few weeks ago, wanting to know if guests are welcome at the upcoming AGM. No reply, and - getting the not-interested/welcome vibe - will pass on this co-operative(?) group! Forthwith!

Now it seems the Co-op may actually build its mythical condos: this based on an announcement banks may lower the required condo-sales to 33 - which the Co-op thinks it may reach easily, currently being at 29 - and once this number is met financing kicking-in.
Deirdrie Lang, GM, tells me the announcement whether-or-not may be made at the end of September, and when I ask why not at the AGM - the logical time and place - she wriggles. Mays for days!

The definitive decision to build will raise several questions needing to be asked by so-called M/Os - the appropriate time and probably only opportunity to nail down witnessed answers: the AGM!

The idea to build condos comes from needing to make as much money as possible as quickly as possible to pay-off incurred debts and build whatever. This via Russell Precious, project-manager of whatever-to-be-built - the inexperienced Board getting in-line behind him. Building condos with a store downstairs is the superficially reasonable way to go: selling 54 units to the most adoring among the flock of Co-op-junkies seems like a walk in the park.

Enough indeed pre-pre-buy - feeding this presumption. But - when actual sales start: many don't take the next step. And when asked in astonishment why not - many say: we want to see it built before we commit. 
Which - of course - is horse-puckie! 
They pre-pre-buy because for a moment they feel special, closer to the Co-op-thing - the altar! - while not actually having to commit to anything. Heretics! And - this being Nelson - folks will go anywhere anyway, particularly if free food is involved.

But - if any of them genuinely are in condo-mode - they also may be considering the other 2 more recent local developments. In all-around wait-and-see dither.  
Yet you can only dither so long: buying-before-building is the way it goes, with banks needing to see buyers' cheque-book commitment before committing themselves. This applies to all 3.

So the Co-op sells one here one there - eventually realizing they'll not meet the original quota of 40+. Soon dropping this condo-gestalt is not an option any longer: 
We Must Build This Dammit!!! 
Arriving at some understanding with their bankers - the sales-quota is to be lowered to 33.

That's where it stands - teeters - now!

1. Question
Considering the already too-long gestation-period of this building in a dodgy market: only 33 out of 54 condos sold before breaking ground means enormous risk for banks. Which wouldn't take this risk without a sort-of collateralized debt obligation. 
In this situation translating into the current store - its location not belonging to the Co-op; the store-fixtures fund; the far-from-paid-off Extra property.
Giving the store away - literally?
So - what exactly is offered as collateral by the Co-op to satisfy courted lenders?

2. Question
The 1.7 mill store-fixtures fund - according to fine print - actually can be applied to just about anything the Board decides. And these funds will not be needed for quite some time.
So - how certain exactly can the lenders be that their unsecured-to-begin-with loans will actually be there for outfitting the store - when its time comes eventually?

3. Question
Just building these condos does not automatically guarantee more buyers. Particularly as some out there - seriously considering a condo-purchase - may be waiting for life to be breathed into the other 2 local projects in the planning: The Crossing at Granite Pointe and Nelson Landing. These 3 currently planned developments may cross-cancel each other - definitely weaken interest. 
Also - in the condo-market - unless buying purely for investment-purposes in strong large urban markets - a building too long in the making and then with too many vacancies is considered with suspicion. Condos here would be a very risky non-live-in investment for someone who's not swimming in the stuff!
So - who exactly is expected to buy 21 empties when?

It seems the real problems are only just beginning for the Co-op with this way-lowered quota - thus possibly imminent fixation-construction of vacancies! Once started: financial obligations have to be met consistently, fully. Otherwise banks - and potentially potential buyers - will get tetchy!
A house of cards.....!

Bonus Question
With may this and may that and total lack of transparency/accountability thus far - it is still possible the building will not happen after all. Which once again needs raising the question frequently asked before - never answered! - the ONLY one of importance in a no-condos-after-all scenario:
So - how much money in total - a single amount! - has been spent on preparing for the unapproved-by-M/Os Nelson Commons endeavor?

You own this pop-stand! So ask! And don't be satisfied until "they" demonstrably satisfy you! Now! Here!
While you're at it: what's with recently/currently looking for a financial/grocery manager? Key positions!

Co-op AGM
New Grand Hotel, Vernon St.
Wednesday, Sep. 24
6:00 pm

Kevin Curtis 

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Destination: Nelson! (Part 2) - Festival of Lights

This post - in a series of 5 - follows that immediately below.

All images here are of the Berlin Cathedral - illuminated as part of the
Festival of Lights - Berlin, Germany 2012.

The (generally little-known) Spurway Trust Fund was established in Nelson - and locked-in with a bylaw - in 1985, with about $93.500. Then only the interest to be spent on flags and decorative lighting: for the purpose of purchase and upkeep of festival and holiday decorations and street decorations in the City of Nelson.


Over time it has been tapped-into in bits and pieces. In 2012 and 13 to in-part finance Xmas "Festivals of Lights" here. The results hardly remarkable: certainly nowhere near what one may expect from an effort using this name.
The fund has grown to currently about $120.000 - and its use may be modified by Council. Appropriate use would be towards the color-with-lights-and-paint transformation of downtown presented in the preceding post - and with example-images here. Granted: on a somewhat smaller scale - but you get the picture!


The name Festival of Lights is registered. Therefore, its use for any event/purpose in Nelson - including Spurway documentation - is against relevant international laws. By the way.

Destination: Nelson (Part 3) - The (Extra)Ordinary

Festival of Lights - Berlin

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Destination: Nelson! (Part 1)

The recent flap between 2 councillors in a Council Meeting (refreshing: Council partially alive!) over whether-or-not more generic Xmas-lighting on Baker - opens a very smudged, sticking window just a little to the possibility of imaginative movement on the 2nd Floor.
To afford (a) vision through this window in City Hall: it (the window, silly!) needs to be cleaned thoroughly first, then fixed to allow easy opening at will. Will being crucial.

The Star reports this meeting with gusto and great pictures of Councillors Kiss and Adams aroused.
3 sticking-points:
The sluggish Council
The unchallenged Cultural Development Committee (CDC)
The ever-inflating Kevin Cormack, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)

Stuck on you
Council - while using growth, sustainability, Community Master Plan in mash-ups with ease - has no vision of/for Nelson's future, period. Periodically attempting to buy a partial one from outsiders for lots of money - so it must be good! - but promptly shelving it don't ask! Instead largely leaving it to the CDC to come-up with something anything "artistic" at random. Because we are ever so!
And oblige energetically - under de facto leader Councillor Macdonald, comfy in both worlds - spending loads of Council-provided funds on bits of arty manifestations by now seriously cluttering-up the place. And with more and more of this unconnected clutter - a cohesive whole less and less probable.

Still not clear on: a vision has to emerge from the local gestalt - can't be commissioned by a few artists manques for the whole as an arty attempt or urban-generic design-effort.

The CAO inserts himself with increasing frequency - and allowed to do so - in various "identity"-processes, without particular expertise and/or this as part of his job-description.

As for this Council Meeting and an example of their interplay-or-not: the CAO announces desultorily a consultant to be engaged to look at lighting, benches and banners on Baker - so we'll hold-off on additional Xmas lights for now he decides; Councillor Macdonald nods (smiling in-the-know?) agreement; the other councillors just there - who knows what they know and think. They'll never tell! Nobody explains anything to anybody. The attending public might as well not be present.

All this certainly-not-cooperation! conceivably an example of what Councillor Kiss warns against: anyone putting pressure on department-heads directly instead of going through Council.

A plan for Nelson - the now automatically conveniently/superficially referred to Community Plan - should (but doesn't!) have the Baker-corridor as its pin-point focus, from which everything else radiates outward. With tourism now and always the name of the game - putting Hall before Baker is putting the cart before the horse.
For a sizable portion of ever-growing City-expenses to be met by income from tourism: instead of being a pleasant stop-over for some - Nelson must become a tourist-magnet for many. Not just water-and-mountains - a given across BC - but Nelson proper NOW a many-faceted environment in a water-and-mountains setting. And that sure ain't Hall!

The Community Plan at best has a few creatively negligible bits among its endless local stock-taking: listing what is - instead of must be!

With the CAO hardly the artistically daring type: his Baker-lighting-and-what-not consultant will probably be provided by the M&Ms, Kelowna - perpetrators of the Community Plan - and their basic bread-and-butter consciousness. For an example of this group's in-depth engagement with us - and our unfailing acceptance of it: go to pages 46 and 47 of the Plan.
This consultant du jour promises to be more of the same.

Coming unstuck
Ironically - truly imaginative lighting is no less than the medium of transformation for downtown. Light dramatically coloring the customary: it must be part of what will turn Nelson into a destination - where to wonder, marvel for a few days. Participatory public art! Paint for days - light for nights.
First step towards this: the CDC - concurrently in charge of a new version of the Community Heritage Commission (CHC) I mean really! - needs to wean itself of its don't-touch-me-there downtown-heritage fixation. After the CHC leads Baker (and Council) into catatonia - most obvious when not hidden in summer greenery: mid-autumn/winter/early spring - really most of the year. Ultimately a yesterday husk - instead of a today resurgence.

Bringing "heritage" into today with color - paint and light - has been done very successfully worldwide. There are a few tiny glimpses of this in Nelson with the Cartolina Building and most recent Hydro-box wrappings - more of the same to be encouraged enthusiastically!

The conscious aim must be: wrapping all of the core in a glow of color - to walk in, shop in, sit in, be entertained in, play in, dine in. Blocked to thru-traffic in evenings year-around: a gathering-place for tourists and locals alike.

Look at these pictures and imagine a nexus of: Hume, Court House, City Hall, Touchstones similarly lit! And all of Baker! Cross-streets, too! And trees!

Then look away to imagine a leaf/lifeless heritage downtown - soon and once again seemingly never-ending reality - with mall-generic Xmas predictability of the so-called Festival of Lights, and whatever a pricey consultant may add to that via the CAO and unchallenged.

Of course - after the initial shock - immediate reaction to the possibility of coloring the core here must be: We can't - too much and too soon and everything and even if we wanted to - there's not enough money!
Which is not how to get the job - any job - done. With the window to resurgence consciously opened: this idea whose time has come will enter, and the money will follow.
In the meantime: how about stopping smallish - ultimately beside the point - projects and saving money towards one big one instead! 

For additional info see posts:
Nelson: Waterfront and Downtown Plan, Pages 46-47
7 March, 2012
Kevin Cormack's Identity Crisis
20 November, 2013

This post has several parts - the following progressively shorter on words.

Destination: Nelson (Part 2) - Festival of Lights

Recanati, Italy
Rijeka, Croatia
Paris, France
Montreal, Canada
Brisbane, Australia