That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all lessons history has to teach. Aldous Huxley said this - and he might have been speaking about Nelson.
First we had the bizarre claim of Nelson being the most artistic little place in the universe - even more artistic that Stratford, Ontario. That info: Nelson-supplied for a book by some American who never even came here. We earnestly and gratefully ran with this silliness for years - without even reading the book! At least this guy didn't charge.
Now we have another American - not having been to Nelson either - ready to sell us an identity for a hefty fee. Over the Internet. This would mean artificially superimposing a branding-whatever on Nelson to give it name-recognition as a sales-pitch.
Like: Nelson - President's Choice!
His support-team:
1. Joy Barrett, Cultural Development Officer
She says We realized that unless we have a unified creative vision, what we will be doing is a bit piecemeal. Actually things have been a lot piecemeal and without creative vision for some time: all artsy optics thus far exclusively generated by her Cultural Development Committee (CDC), with gobs of money already thrown at them by an oblivious, unquestioning Council.
Of interest here should be: Often those with the least money are the most creative.
If the CDC does not have a creative vision - there's no point to them; and an outsider coming-up with this vague identity-concept will not make them any more creative. Even more basic: Barrett and her group seemingly do not know the difference between identity and vision.
2. Drysdale & Mackenzie (D&M), Experts at Something
In their presentation to the Committee of the Whole (COW), Nov. 18 - among other examples of our to be unified wonderfulness - they listed the Hall St. redo - which hasn't even happened yet and may take many years to get off the ground and the Nelson Commons - a proposed totally generic, private condo-block - which may never get off the ground at all. They clearly are scrounging!
Not to forget that Mackenzie is married to Barrett - thus he getting part of the job and the 33.000 bucks through her City-Hall connect would clearly present a conflict of interests - no matter how Mr. Cormack spins it.
3. Kevin Cormack, City Manager
Mr. Cormack made himself spokesman for this project by initiating a CBC interview on the subject - being the only Nelson representative on that news-item. This is troubling because he seems to be directly using his position at City Hall to actively promote a non-official project. Troubling: if not legally - certainly ethically. And not part of his job-description.
4. Nelson Kootenay Lake Tourism
One can see how this group would be grateful for a new angle - any new angle - to sell the place. Seeing that they are in the unenviable position of having to come-up with ever new, inventive ways to sell the same, never-changing product.
So how about: Nelson - The New, Improved!
This group has yet to realize: you want more tourists - you need to offer more! Just a new label will not change the product! Suppose Mr. Star Trek provides a label, and a tourist asks how we got it, and we say: We bought it from an American who's never been here.
5. Chamber of Commerce
For this group it's money and money only. So now they want to spend more taxpayers' money - they already are supported with it - to create more money for a special-interest group the average taxpayer does not benefit from.
A good one here would be: Nelson - For You Cheap!
6. As Captives Only: The Nelson Public
According to the Nelson Star: over 80% of comments - in the strongest response to any local issue in recent memory anyway - are against this to-be-taxpayer-funded walk to the bank by a few. In the Nelson Daily: voices against are equally strong!
The above is my presentation to the so-called Committee of the Whole (COW), Dec. 16. Within 5 minutes. You see: City Council - elected by us to do for us - condescends to allow 15 minutes total per month for an audience with the same us. Or 5 minutes per person 3 tops, never more and timed down to the second, and if there are only 2 or if there's even just 1 - it's still 5 minutes only. An unavoidable routine to look accessible without being so. Usually with an unresponsive HELLO, COUNCIL!!! - thus a committee of the whole not really.
So my aim usually is to reach those sitting behind me in the audience more than Council sitting in front of me. Thinking that maybe some will realize that it's not just okay to tell Council what we think - but it's a necessity! What with Council forming its own exclusive Whole: little room there for those who got them there, campaign-promises and all.
Here - a single in-Council's-face voice from among the many against this GMOed identity-search gets 5 minutes to make their point.
Tunnel Vision
This time there is a response, and how telling it is! Councillor Kozak - magnanimously patronizing - straightens me right out. By telling me that the identity salesman in fact had been to Nelson 2 years ago or so - she isn't sure - and that this project connects with the Downtown & Waterfront Master Plan (DWMP).
This plan also largely created by an out-of-town group and Nelson's Holy Grail du jour. Something to hold on to! Something to make us feel something is happening! It's all part of the plan! Its first expression to be the unimpressive Hall St. redo - zillions of dollars and of little benefit to anyone.
The plan actually only suggests how to level some physical wrinkles - Botox them - it does not address economic considerations. Just smooth-talking the same old vibrant downtown. In essence: Baker Street. The rest of Nelson and its needs: secondary! Like waterfront-issues still not locked-in legally and for good: building-heights there, selling the lake, etc. What plan?
So here's Kozak: telling me that this identity-thing will bring new businesses and more tourists to Nelson. Thus more tax-revenue. In other words: Slap a label on it - they will come! Simple! Yet the more tax-revenue - the more money Council is throwing at non-essential feel-good bits with little economic benefit. While - at the same time - both tourism and downtown-business have leveled-off, have reached saturation under prevailing circumstances.
Visual Impairment
In the previous COW the initial public presentation of this identity-search seems curiously empty. D&M only mumble through a list of Nelson's visual assets of possible interest and the people who have been developing this idea for a while. How these assets can be bundled as an identity by these same people, and - voila! - Nelson is enticingly on the map for hordes of more tourists and relocators. No actual plan is proposed - or asked for by Council. They don't seem to need one! It will probably come down to consensus among the lot on one branding-phrase: baby-sat by Mr. American Star Trek ($12.000) and adherence to it supervised by D&M ($8.000 each) as identity-police. Plus $6.000 for incidentals like paperclips and community engagement. 33.000 to 34.000 smackeroos in total.
Why Mr. Star Trek? It seems he ingeniously branded Vulcan, Alberta Canada's Star Trek capitol. I can hardly wait....!
The Visionaries
At the end of this bloodless presentation: whatever it is (not!) - is referred to staff for further recommendations. At this point it's clear: this whole cliquish affair - cross-pollinating hither and yon - will move through "staff" without a hitch. After all - who is staff but the same people - and their satellites - involved in pushing the project.
Fake I.D.
City Hall does not have a vision (thus identity) of Nelson because it never learned to be an observer of itself while being a participant - at the same time. It never learned to develop a clear, focused, reasonable, logical, linear vision of/for possible growth-components/potential. Vaguely seeing a need for this, it over time engaged "consultants" to come-up with possible game-plans: always expensive and promptly not implemented because artificially imposed by outsiders who are not familiar with Nelson's mindscape.
The CDC - under Councillor Macdonald in charge of heritage, arts and culture - ironically is without creative vision: partly because of City Hall's lack of one and partly because it did not clarify basic creative principles towards an economic goal in its modus operandi. It has ideas - but little imagination; they sort-of work - but don't flower. And no constraints are imposed!
Vision Quest
A vision can't be bought! Observant, principled councilors - in their decision-making processes - expressing themselves individually and fearlessly in public; discussing their points of view with each other in public - and all with a common goal: the benefit of the greater Whole - will contribute to forming a vision. And this vision will eventually imprint itself on Nelson as - an identity.
For instant huge and lasting identity - guaranteed acknowledged nationwide - how about simply giving these $33.000 towards feeding, clothing, sheltering all Nelsonites in need!
Scene: Pierre et Gilles