Thursday, 27 December 2012

Lhasa Beer

Burning Frustration
With the recent spate of self-immolations (setting fire to themselves) among monks - particularly young ones - in Tibet and Chinese-as-such provinces bordering it - all seemingly in the name of autonomy for Tibet and unfettered practice of their religion - there has been the usual jumping-up-and-down by Free Tibet! groups in the West.
Like a recent big one in the New York area, with its sizeable Tibetan population: many of them monks living there illegally, preferring dead-end jobs and sex in the city - closer to Hollywood - to practicing non-attachment at home - not so close.

Which - according to Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism) - they ought to be able to do anywhere, in any situation. No matter who's running the place. But - as Bopa Lama tells me in Nepal - that's Buddhism today!
Never trust a fat monk!

Of course, the Chinese are the bad guys, and the recent arrest of an older monk for supposedly encouraging self-immolation among young monks gets much press for the wrong reasons: there's a key in this - probable truth to the Chinese claim.
Tibetans - or supporters of their cause - don't self-immolate in New York or anywhere else in the West.

With a fair grasp on Chinese and Tibetan history and having spent time in Lamaism monasteries in China/Tibet, Nepal and India - with friends among monks: my views of the latest development and how it got that way are not necessarily in step with predictable media reports over here.
So - following is some religio/historio-cultural background-color: the heroes not totally heroic and the villains not totally villainous. And Tibetan Buddhism another top-heavy organized religion.

Tibet's China Connection
In 641 ce (current era), the Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo marries a niece of the Chinese Tang-Dynasty emperor to solidify a connection between China and Tibet. This is done at the request of the Tibetan king - initially refused by the Tang Court.
Today the Tang-Dynasty is acknowledged as a high-point in Chinese history: intellectually, scientifically and artistically - Tibet then does not figure in any of these areas.
The size of China's territory at that time is comparable to that of today - except it also includes large areas of today's countries west and south-west of China. Large Tibet - China's neighbor - is independent, but its size not manageable effectively by a very small group of land/people-owners and the king. Thus the request for a lasting connection - security through marriage.


At this time, Buddhism is already strong in China, while Tibet is still practicing Bon - an animist-shamanist belief-system. Princess Wen Cheng Gong Zhu brings Buddhism - in form of scriptures, Buddha statues and paintings - into the marriage with Songtsen Gampo. And Jokhang Monastery is built in Lhasa to house them. Jokhang becomes the first Buddhist monastery in Tibet - and over time the most venerated.
The first Buddhist-teachers come from China, to eventually be followed by monks from India. Chinese Buddhists - having all of China to play in - do not insist on making a lasting impression on Tibet: they don't aim to set-up house or - more specifically - monastery.

Here Come The Indians!
Indian Buddhists though come well-aware of and well-prepared for Tibet's socio-economic conditions! They have an agenda!
At this time, Tibet's social structure is feudal: few haves and many have-nots. The Tibet-haves team-up with the India-haves, and the political system eventually turns into a theocracy, once the Buddhist-haves have more of everything than the landlord-haves.
The have-nots are serfs. Running serfs is much more economical - thus profitable - than running slaves. Slaves need to be fed, clothed and sheltered - generally cared for. Serfs - in the same relationship with their masters - fight battles and produce for them, while feeding, clothing and housing themselves.

This goes on until the 1950s - with the average life-expectancy of Tibetans in the low 20s.

The rapid growth/influence of Buddhism here is easily explained with religion indeed being the opium of the masses. Indian monks - ingratiating themselves with the locals via their own very stripped-down belief-system - Bon - soon have the much more involved, much more colorful, much more dramatic, much more incomprehensible Buddhism absorb Bon: Voila - Tibetan Buddhism!

For basic serfs just surviving - while having to produce non-stop for their masters - means working no matter what/when. That's all they know! Thus continually producing children to help - most die soon - is imperative. Of course, the more survive - they less all have to eat!
And monks craftily tap into that with - karma!

The concept of karma has it: if this time around my life is a bummer, I created that by not living according to certain - conveniently Buddhism-supplied - rules in a previous life. So I pay for that in this! But if I accept this as my learning-curve and - above all - always do as I'm told: I may be ok in a future life.
This is how monks get their own serfs; this is how monasteries are rapidly built all over the place; this is how they become wealthy and powerful. The carrot and the stick!
Another incentive: donate a son to a monastery for additional karmic brownie-points! Most of these sons turn into more and more monks - those who do not become the monasteries' serfs. Who do all the physical work - while monks work on getting the evolving - increasingly involved - Buddhist imagery sorted; are fed, clothed, housed; learn to read/write and run serfs. Strengthening the base!

Today's Monk
Many youths see only two ways to go today:
joining the army or a monastery. Becoming a monk is a natural extension of their daily lives at home: the karmic aspect a constant - sort-of like the catholic pitch. Kids grow up that way - nothing special! So - many young get into it because of their conservative families' religio-economic reality; their seemingly hopeless rudimentary education thus scope of imagination thus ambition; the relatively convenient life-style; being able to hang-out with their friends - also monks - all day!
But many of them - possibly most - may soon tire of the unvarying, unexciting sameness of their days - and nights; it would be naive to assume that they all come to find and do find the spiritual light.

Hordes of Western tourists come to stay in pricey spiritual fat-farm comfort, yearning to rub-up against godly - ideally attractive - monks. While many godly monks want to meet tourists, to be whisked away by them - to Hollywood!

They have a lot of untapped energy, leading to dissatisfaction with their lot looking for an outlet. Chafing at the bit: the bit here being the Chinese who pay the bills for everything: much improved schools, much improved medical care, an efficient infra-structure - and the complete lengthy and very expensive renovation of the Dalai Lama's (DL) palace of palaces: Potala. So they want something in return. This is known to neither-here-nor-there youths before they sign-up to become monks.
The there-part: they have also been told over and over again - for Western political purposes in general and by Western tourists in particular: they and their brand of religion are special. Over time, they have come to believe they actually are and expect stuff to be done for them. This has spilled-over into the general - mostly urban - population. I have never witnessed/heard of Lamaism monks do any kind of charitable work - in Tibet, India, Nepal, China - since Day One. Entitlement. 

The young monks' scriptures-based classes are taught by older monks, and many of those still come from a strong disciplined belief. So - any kind of spiritual influence is handed down by them: the sameness of teaching(s) and daily life dumbing-down - instead of uplifting. Brain-wash. Not by design but repetitiousness, lack of diversity. With deviation from the norm not acceptable by scriptures, teachers and keepers of the purse.

Thus rebellion today is confusedly multi-layered but expressed with a simpler Western-supported focus - China. And to some self-immolation may seem like a sure bet to get the life they have dreamt of - consistently, tantalizingly promised by teachers. Next time around can be NOW! Entering it with their very own dramatic 15 minutes of fame.

Regardless of the Chinese influence - real and/or perceived - over Tibetans: it is said by Buddhists in Asia today that a future of Buddhism is possible in the West only. Older monks in Tibet are worried about that and push the young, any young - there's a lack of "real" raw material!

And it is clear that spiritual tourists - with their breathless demand for pieces of the Tibetan-Buddhism wonderfulness - are far more responsible for watering-down historio-cultural aspects than the Chinese. As are Tibetans themselves, supplying any amount of this wonderfulness - mass-produced and with the highest possible mark-up. Very old, my friend, just for you cheap! The Chinese are behind glitzy multi-storeyed, escalatored department-stores - where the Tibetans spend their money.
All this elsewhere called socio-economic development.

The Reincarnation Angle
This goes back to before the DL. During the Mongol-reign Yuan-Dynasty in China, 1270 - 1368 ce, Karim Pakshi - a high-ranking member of the Kagyuba - seeks patronage (read protection) of Mongke Khan, brother  of Kublai Khan and grandson of Ghengis Khan. Pakshi's is one of four schools of Buddhism - all positioning for power politically and often attempting to gain/maintain it with their own armies - consisting of serfs and Mongol mercenaries. Mongke Khan bestows a seal and special black hat on Karim Pakshi - symbols of good will granted. Before he dies - to preserve this power for his school beyond his own and Mongke Khan's direct control - Pakshi decides to come back from the grave and carry-on. He does! Thus reincarnation Tibet-style comes into being and becomes the overnight rage. The Kagyuba are the Black Hats. And the the other three the Yellow Hats, Red Hats, White Hats - all eat meat, and the Red Hats can have a wife - and come up with their own reincarnations. All of a sudden there are tulku - reincarnations of Buddhist masters of various levels - all over the place.
The tulku-phenomenon continues today - discoveries are frequently based on border-crossing pragmatic possibilities.

In 1578, Sonam Gyatso of the Yellow Hats - in a neighborly confab with Altan Khan, grandson of Kublai - is declared DL #3 - ubermonk of ubermonks. While his two long-dead predecessors as Yellow-Hat leaders become #1 and #2. Dalai - a Mongol word - meaning something like Ocean of Wonderfulness. Not stopping there - this now DL is also declared the reincarnation of Avalokiteshvara - Bodhisattva of Compassion. He - Indian in origin - conveniently also the patron-saint of Tibet: Chenrezig. 
A bodhisattva is an enlightened being who is ready for Buddhahood - no more reincarnations necessary here to learn whatever - who decides to come back anyway to spread the light among the suffering. So - as far as reincarnations go - they don't come any more exalted than that.
Solid move!
Reciprocating in kind - DL#3 declares Altan Khan the reincarnation of Kublai.

Power politics (the power being military): convincing everybody who wants to live with a great show! And more of the same follows. The involved process of finding the boy-incarnate in Tibet, established by the Black Hats, is ignored for DL#4 - in favor of simply picking a close relative of Altan Khan. Pay-back time! Question: Provided the DL reincarnation process is to have any significance - is #5 then a reincarnation of #4, who clearly wasn't the real thing? And what about all those following him! I mean - we're talking holy gene-pool here!

Anyway, real political power starts with #5 in the 17th century and lasts until 1959. But nominally continues until a few yers ago. #5 has absolute spiritual and political power over everybody and everything. Including life. Theocracy! With military Mongol-help he wrests all power from monasteries - as always fighting each other for supremacy. Then he establishes the office of Panchen Lama #4 (PL) - second to his own position - giving it to the abbot of Tashilhumpo Monastery, his teacher and close ally. The abbot's 3 predecessors - all dead - become PL#1 to PL#3.


Things become more earthbound with DL#6 up to DL#12 - most die unnatural deaths as boys or young men. Leaving the run of the show in Lhasa's Potala Palace - and what a show it is! - to lama-regents. While there is no DL, or the current one is too young or unqualified and/or disinterested. So there often is very wordly intrigue at Potala - a palace of over 1000 rooms, 13 floors and over 300 meters in height. Built by serfs as the DL's main residence; there's a much smaller Summer Palace down the block. During all the infighting - taking much energy of those in charge and leaving little for compassion and running the country - Beijing sends in Amban, as sort-of governors-general, who - for 113 years - oversee Tibet as a protectorate of the Qing Court. They leave certain rights to self-rule to the Palace. In 1727, Beijing installs an Imperial Resident, to whom 3 Amban are reporting. As are the DL and PL.

The next-to-current #13 - finally! - is capable and concerned, attempting to establish order by - once again -  taking away the monasteries' divisive power and centralizing it in himself. He is a reformer within - but less successful with various foreign powers nipping at Tibet's ankles.

With the DL - at least nominally - having absolute power, he has over time become the focus of average Tibetans: he is the promise of liberation - delivered? - from the serfs' horrible lives. With the religious drama made more and more colorful and involved and complicated by those in power: the DL - more simply - embodies all of it.
Thus to Dorje Tibet today: #14 still is the main-man, the great liberator, the door, the essence - superstar! On a more personal level: a nice man with spiritual platitudes for any occasion. And when Tibetans today clamor for Tibet's freedom or at least autonomy: they actually just want him to come home, be with them - instead of living in India and traveling all over the place, doing nice for Washington.

When the Chinese attempt to introduce land-reforms in the early 1950 - most of Tibet's useful land belongs to monasteries, refusing to give-up any of it to the multitude of serfs.
So there are clashes between the Chinese and the monks - thus #14 as the bottom-line, and the Chinese try to prod the landless into revolutionary action against the monasteries. With experience in that from having done the same with feudals in China not long before - what with Mao Ze Dong having known that revolution needs to start in the countryside. And eventually #14 and his intimates leave for India - because even though their influence is still great within a religious context, it doesn't measure up to Chinese fervor.

At the time of #14's move to Dharamsala, in 1959, a demographic breakdown of Tibet shows
5% - slaves
70% - destitute serfs
20% - well-off serfs
and all of them run by the remaining 5% - monks and landlords - who have systematically used and abused these 95% since day one.
With compassion!

When young Tibetans today want freedom - it is Freedom: The Movie; the old days never were the good old days. Still serfs to an illusion conjured by religio-political interests ages ago - still manipulated now by the same for the ever-so-ready Western sympathy-vote.

                    ..... then I resumed my spirals.

                                                                                    Samuel Beckett


Wednesday, 19 December 2012

City Hall: The Truck Stops Here!

It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.
                                                                                 Noel Coward

This is the last in a series of posts addressing how funds - donated/collected unconditionally in Nelson for victims of the earhquake/tsunami in Japan, 11. Mar. 2011, by several groups and many individuals - were hijacked by one small special-interest group among them, to be applied to a small area only: Onagawa.
This group proving to be so insensitive to even Onagawa, that the collected funds sat in a City bank-account for over a year and a half.

My concern, since Aug. 2012, has been that these funds should immediately go to a coordinating authority in Japan, for application where most useful: at Ground Zero - the north-east coast.
I presented my arguments in every Committee of the Whole (COW), since 17. Sep. 2012, to a stoic City Council. What became clear - immediately after my first presentation - was that Mayor Dooley has been actively involved in this Onagawa-Only fixation: acting as the group's de facto spokesperson and guide around City Hall and its resources. Which may explain Council's public unresponsiveness.
A series of the mayor's statements over months showed that applying these funds in total to Onagawa was a foregone conclusion: unquestioned by Council, unapproved by the never-asked Nelson public and despite his group's inept dithering.

The funds are still held in the same City account, without any legal documentation as to who has authority over safekeeping, releasing and applying them. Without any legal documentation giving the Onagawa-Only group authority over spending them. Without any legal documentation backing the City Manager's public claim that these funds had been donated to the City. Mr. Cormack's positioning-or-not in this matter is astounding.

I kept on presenting more arguments - as I looked deeper into this disaster-relief disaster - soon not necessarily speaking to Council in front of me any longer but those members of the Whole sitting behind me. Wanting at least some there to see that - in this case - at City Hall feeding egos of a few seems more important than feeding the humanitarian needs of many.
And I kept forwarding all material presented to the mayor and Council; I kept on posting on this blog.

The posts are:
Onagawhat Now?
6. Sep. 2012
Nelson: Blessed Relief? I Wish!
23. Oct. 2012
Onagawa Trucking Ltd.
28. Oct. 2012
Onagawa Trucking Ltd: What a Load...!
11. Nov. 2012
Onagawa Truck: Life Giver
19. Nov. 2012

Originally I had planned to present the following material as a counter-weight to the Onagawa-Only group's presentation at the COW, 17. Dec. Its first: no update, account ever before given to the donating public.
But I decided against it, because it was obvious that Council - in this COW - would release the funds to the group: its prior unresponsiveness and the mayor's previous clearly-in-charge truck-related declarations conveniently shrugged-off in a backroom-deal - also called in camera - as: WE really had no part in this; and: WE know how incorrectly the media report wink-wink. Neither legal documentation nor the greater Whole's opinion a consideration - while collective 2nd-floor comfort a concern, indeed!

The Counter-Weight
A member of the Onagawa-Only group - in a recent CBC interview - claims that although right after the disaster many in Nelson responded emotionally - manifested in financial donations - THEIR interest waned quickly. Leaving only HER small group: totally pro-active because totally dedicated.
I find that breast-beating spin troubling: it clearly aims at glorifying their narrow agenda - Onagawa only! - at the expense of the greater giving Whole and the needs of the larger disaster-area in Japan. Interest among the general public here did NOT lessen: they had given unconditionally - expecting their donations to be forwarded to those most in need as quickly as possible! Applied affectively NOW! SIMPLE! DONE!
While the Onagawa-Only group settled into an absurdly long Quixotic fight against windmills - with no qualms over claiming the funds of those disdained for supposedly having lost interest quickly!

Not to forget: It is a member of the LET'S-HELP-WHERE-WE-CAN-NOW! Whole - who, since Aug. 2012, has consistently shown concern for the lack of progress made - within a year and a half - by the membership-fluid, sporadically active and dubiously focused Onagawa-Only group! THAT'S how come they FINALLY are here today!

To The Rescue!
The group's claim They also declined our suggestion of a donation of the money to the (Onagawa) hospital, as they felt the funds would not be identifiable is telling. Surely it would be extremely rare in the history of medical institutions that a financial contribution is not accepted because the institution can't guarantee a commemorative whatever to the donor.
So I wonder: did the hospital decline the funds, or did the Onagawa-Only group decline making a definitive offer because it wouldn't be officially - carved in stone - recognized for it? Like: No plaque - no donation?

The group makes it sound as if THEIR truck would be the only one in town. Obviously there are more! Thus - use of THIS truck would be occasional, a non-essential convenience for some only. Hardly disaster-relief!

Claiming that it could help in an evacuation - during a coming disaster - raises the question: Help how and whom? What makes a disaster disastrous is that it strikes unexpectedly - but the group's scenario has it that the next disaster will wait for the truck to - by itself - help get people and stuff out, before it eventually strikes to collapse buildings, make roads impassable and kill people - including truck-drivers!
According to Reuters: thousands of cars and trucks - swamped and destroyed in the last disaster - are now being dismantled for parts or scrapped.

Claiming that this truck would lower everybody's anxiety-level in Onagawa sort-of makes it a cargo-cult. The whole town worshipping a truck!

Colonial Wonderfulness
Japan is a developed country - educated and wealthy - and gaijin fixated on taking care of these Japanese indefinitely sounds like the age-old colonial attitude: WE know what's best for you! Making them believe they're helpless and perpetuating that belief!
How that attitude is perceived in Onagawa should have become clear when those there - unfailingly polite - wouldn't accept any of the group's previous suggestions. Which - in turn - frustrated this self-promoting, baffled Nelson group into exhaustion thus lengthy naps on the job.

Onagawa Reality
There actually is good reason for PERMANENT anxiety in Onagawa. Eleven days ago, another quake hit the north-east coast, causing a tsunami of one meter in Ishinomaki - in the Miyagi Prefecture, where Onagawa is also located. What with Japan highly earthquake-prone: once before - in the 1960s - parts of Onagawa were leveled by a quake-caused tsunami. That - plus being situated at the confluence of two ocean-currents and hosting a nuclear power-plant in the vicinity - should cause anxiety in a big way!
Will relevant administrations - because of their poor planning largely responsible for loss of life and property - finally learn?

Meanwhile in Nelson
Attempting to lessen anxiety there with manifesting a truck here is a feel-good exercise by/for a small special-interest group - guided by the mayor, questionably supported by City Hall staff - and an abuse of the sentiments which created funds out of ACTUAL CONCERN with HUMANITARIAN DISASTER-RELIEF as such.

End of my intended counter-weight.

What troubles me - in this matter - is the arrogant disregard for transparency, accountability - integrity - on the 2nd floor. Raising much further-reaching questions!
Councillor Macdonald demands - yes, demands! - respect for the COW's Chair (at least - when she is IT!). What she and all other elected officials at City Hall need to realize is: respect does not automatically come with the job.

An elected official earns respect by being respectful of constituents! All of them!

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Bradley Manning's Birthday

Bradley will turn 25 on Dec. 17 - it will be his 3rd birthday in military confinement: prison. Wishing him a happy birthday would be decidedly odd, and he may not be celebrating - but wishing him courage and steadfastness, letting him know that he has support could be the way to go.

There are 2 ways of getting your message to him.


Commander, HHC USAG
Attn: PFC Bradley Manning
239 Sheridan Ave, Bldg 417
JBM-HH, Va 22211

This is the official army "support-service" for Bradley - mail will reach him through this service under certain conditions.

PFC Bradley Manning cannot receive any cash, checks, or money orders. His legal team is responsible for ensuring that Bradley has sufficient funds in the detainee account to purchase items such as stamps, envelopes, toothpaste, etc.
Photographs are only accepted if printed on copy paper. A maximum of six (6) pages are allowed. Pictures on photograph weight paper are not allowed.
Incoming mail will be returned to the sender if, in the opinion of the confinement facility, it falls into any of the following categories: 1) It contains inflammatory material or advocates escape, violence, disorder or assault; 2) It directly or indirectly threatens the security, safety or order of the facility; 3) It contains coded or otherwise undecipherable language that prevents adequate review of the material; 4) It is received with "Postage Due"; or 5) contains items of contraband (including anything of any material value, including postage stamps or cigarettes).

Get the picture? Then there's the time-factor: getting stuff there and having it pre-digested may make it very late - if! - for his birthday.


Send an e-mail to Bradley at:

This organization has been initiating, co-ordinating, providing - voicing! - support of all possible kinds on all possible levels for Bradley, since the beginning of his confinement. It is Mission Central. They organize transfer of messages to Bradley - and a message sent within the next few days will reach him on his birthday!

For more info go to:

You shall know the truth,
and the truth
shall make you mad.
                            Aldous Huxley


Saturday, 1 December 2012

If Truth Be Told...

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
                                                Winston Churchill

Sunday, 25 November 2012

The History Waltz

Tong Chuang - Yi Meng
                               Chinese Proverb

By now coal-mining on Vancouver Island has become a major industry - turning a tiny Hudson's Bay trading-post of about 50 - Nanaimo - into a major settlement; around 700 Chinese work in several collieries. Not miners but no-name gofers.
Robert Dunsmuir had been employed by Hudson's Bay to establish coal-mines around Nanaimo's harbor, after the company was told about coal in the area by an Indian leader. He soon quit his job to become one of the first independent miners; promptly hit coal; established a company to become eligible for crown-land at next to nothing - and the Wellington Colliery was born. Nanaimo quickly grew in size - the energy-push was on! Soon making Mr. Dunsmuir a man of enormous wealth and power. His wealth to a great extent based on physical and financial exploitation of his workforce. A Vancouver street bears his name.

According to the British Columbia Annual Mining Report: hands employed by Wellington number 124 whites and 110 Chinese, plus 8 Indians. Whites are paid between $2.50 and $5.00 per day; Chinese and Indians get a flat $1.10. The report also states the number of hands does not include Indians and Chinamen working for miners.

Initially the breaking-off is done by whites, who then load coal into wagons and take these to the surface. The difference in pay is: the more coal - the more money. So they sort-of subcontract loading/moving to Chinese and Indians, paying them out of their own pockets. Not having to waste time with that any longer: they now can concentrate on the more-money part.
But paying their gofers $1.10 per day supposedly takes too much out of their income - so they lower even that.

Officially these Chinese and Indians don't exist. Even those Chinese working for mines directly are known and identified only superficially. By a number-tag or a number/surname tag. Chinese names here are useless as ID, because so many are the same. Those run by and running for miners are known - examples here - as Fred Miller's Chinaman or Tom Brown's Celestial.

With conditions being extremely primitive, there are frequent accidents, even deaths. Recording them seems pointless: after all, these men generally are alone here - China is far away. And all looking alike, acting alike, sounding alike - being alike, period - makes them just a number, indeed. So, one more or less ....! Plus there is the language-nuisance - not a barrier to remove but ultimate proof of differentness accepted.

Thus the hurt are patched-up perfunctorily and sent back down - or away if too damaged to get on with it. Those who die are buried unceremoniously and unmarked - deaths even of "employed" Chinese - here or anywhere else in BC - not having to be reported until 1897.

300 white miners go on strike at Dunsmuir mines over work/money-issues - having to pay their gofers plays a big part. Dunsmuir promptly replaces them all with so far compliant Chinese, who have picked-up on how to do the work by watching their white handlers. And - BIG and - they only have to be paid the standard Chinese rate. All around a good deal for Dunsmuir!
This infuriates the white miners even more - it all eventually leads to labor-unions - while intensifying their resentment towards the Chinese.

The problem with Chinese for the ever so British Columbians running everything is their availability in (scarily) great numbers and willingness to work hard - the latter not necessarily part of the whites'-at-hand gene-pool. BC doesn't want the Chinese - but they do come cheap, and without them there would be far less economic growth. So the movers and shakers are stuck with them. But decidedly not interested in assimilation.

To the Chinese, having work - any kind of work - simply means life and a future for their families back home. They don't understand the whites' preoccupation with as much money as possible for as little work as possible.

An explosion - deep underground in the Number One Mine of the Vancouver Coal Company - kills 150 miners; 7 survive. Supposedly 53 are Chinese, and in the official inquest and subsequent Mining report they are listed as Chinamen, names unknown. But what with deaths of Chinese not having to be reported and miner-run gofers being unlisted - the actual number is anyone's guess if.
So the conveniently too dead to object Chinese are blamed for the explosion, because supposedly they couldn't read signs and instructions. This bypassing the fact that safety - time-and-money intensive - is just not a concern in these mines: only the fact of coal is.

HD Mining International is planning to establish a coal-mine in Tumbler Ridge, BC - the first of several.
Provincially/nationally advertising for people to do their work - specifically: long-wall mining with relevant machinery - results in about 300 applications, of which over 200 don't follow-up. Of the 97 preliminarily considered - none are suitable. No experience!
After supposedly following the route mandated by law - making sure and coming-up empty - HD Mining hires 200 experienced miners on a temporary basis in - DRUMROLL! - CHINA! HD also buys the needed machinery there! The irony!

'Round and 'round we go .....!

Of course - continuing the happy BC tradition of China-bashing - there is the requisite union-splutter: Sure we have plenty men can do the work in BC or somewhere in Canada! Which is disingenuous, seeing that hitherto there has been no long-wall coal-mining nor the necessary machinery over here. And - from another union-brain - a couple of weeks ago: Maybe it's 200 today but could turn into a thousand real quick! Then - the most recent: What about  safety, like can they understand, speak, read enough English in an emergency?

Turning, turning, turning .....!

These reasons - not to argue their merit here - have been tried one at a time, over time - begging the obvious question: Why wasn't there a comprehensive well-reasoned presentation by the unions when all this began, months ago? Instead of this dribbled predictability.
So now it's provincial vs. federal politics and unions bringing in the courts, because they lack in-house brains to focus on a non-adversarial resolution.

'Round and 'round we go .....!

This coming at a time when demonization of China by plodding Canadian minds - particularly the progressive - is once again in full form: the trade-agreement between Canada and China in the news recently. What's conveniently ignored here is - EXCUSE ME! - that this is an agreement between two parties. Therefore it's not that big bad China imposed this on poor helpless Canada - this is business. So dump on - better yet dump - the Harper-Government, if dump you must!

Turning, turning, turning .....!

Anyway, others say: any planned additional coal-mines here - and more to follow nationally - mean employment. And having knowledgeable people - who just happen to be Chinese - start it all and then train Canadians in the process - who, in turn, will train other Canadians later - looks like a good thing!
This is also the general opinion on the CBC's BC Almanac, with its do-you-want-them-here-or-not.

And now, the Tumbler Ridge News is suggesting its readers learn a few phrases in Mandarin. Like: Ni hao! Xie xie! Mei wenti! Zai jian! Ting budong!

'Round and 'round we go .....!


Monday, 19 November 2012

Onagawa Truck: Life-Giver!

There's a crack in everything;
that's how the light gets in.
                                      Leonard Cohen

Following below the first picture is the text - with revelatory clarifications - of my presentation to the Committee of the Whole (COW) - Nov. 19, 2012. 
There, prompted by the Chair: Kevin Cormack, City Manager - staying clear of my 4 simple questions - rambles on sideways: avoiding his microphone. On the spot developing a scenario long on words and short on facts - generally waiting for the mayor to tell us what to do, and then we'll do that. When he gets back. You can get your answers from HIM! 
This resistance later makes me think: what I had intended as only a brief in-person presentation of recent developments to Council and (very important!) those of the Whole sitting behind me - really has to go out there to face the greater Whole: the Japan-disaster-relief donors! Like: it's their money Mr. Cormack doesn't want to talk about. 

This post builds on and boils down the recent preceding 4 - but may not be the last, considering that now clearly all roads lead to City Hall.
I must assume that the reader is familiar with this truck-issue - as I couldn't possibly again deja vu all over again.

Onagawa Truck: Who Pays What - Why and How?
This is the heading of my presentation to the COW. But before getting into that:
The What and How ought to be of major concern, I mean, how much flat-bed truck can 30.000 Canadian dollars buy - and a flat-bed truck is what Onagawa now wants! A very used one - as good as new? Driven to church on Sundays only by a little old Japanese lady? For you cheap? Provided there still are $30.000 in the City-kitty, by the time whoever gets down for real to this long-distance truck-business.
It seems that the Nelson-group - in its magnanimous swoon - failed to make clear to the Onagawa-group that there is only so much money to be lavished!
Oops and hello! and now what!


In The Nelson Daily, Oct. 18, Mayor Dooley says the committee and the City now need to work out the truck purchase.
Meaning: the mayor is unilaterally making available unspecified time, manpower and money at/from City Hall, for an unapproved, undefined project. According to a member of his committee: it is he as the City - not the committee - who is now in contact with the Japanese Consulate in Vancouver over truck matters.
Question to Mayor Dooley:
Why is neither Council nor the donating electorate informed of your role in this disaster-relief disaster?

Council approved a scholarship of $10.000 for Onagawa. This scholarship was never defined in terms of intent and structure. Regardless - according to the same committee-member - Onagawa rejects scholarships as unsuitable. Seeing that this fund was approved for a scholarship only, it would seem decidedly inappropriate to apply it to a truck-purchase or anything else.
Questions to Council:
Are you aware of this and if so: what happened/will happen with the money?
If you aren't - why not?
Why is the tax-paying electorate - whose money was committed - uninformed of any of this?

Back to Mr. Cormack. It was never made public how much donated money exactly went into the City-held account - it is not known how much money exactly is in this account today. Presumably there are about $30.000, not including the $10.000 for the scholarship.
A serious lapse in professionalism: there is no written legal document identifying a person/persons with authority over safeguarding, releasing, transferring and/or applying these funds. This - in connection with the mayor saying in the same Nelson Daily: he does not know to whom these funds belong legally - has created a possibly very questionable situation. And Mr. Cormack says in this meeting - a bizarre first! - that the collected funds were donated to the City! Right! Covered!
Questions to Mr. Cormack:
How will you allocate funds for the process of Mayor Dooley's truck-purchase?
Will these funds come from City Hall or the donations, seeing that - unapproved - neither source would be justifiable?
Have there been any withdrawals from the account?
Why is neither Council nor the donating public informed of any of this?

The same committee-member writes recently:
A flat-bed truck could be used either for setting-up community-events or to aid in evacuation, in the event of another disaster (for example a large typhoon such as Sandy)..... Also the citizens have been left with high anxiety levels, and a truck...relieves their anxiety.
Aside from ascribing mood-altering properties to this phantom-truck - this latest justification for the absolute necessity of it seems to make it the ONLY truck in a town the size of Nelson and presupposes this truck will survive until and in the next disaster - surely just around the corner.
She also stresses that giving these funds to the Red Cross or the Onagawa Hospital would not make the donation identifiable. Meaning: no glorifying plaque for Nelson! Clearly showing again: this effort has never been about compassion but calculated for applause!

The Donating Public
The Nelson public - various fundraising groups and many individuals - have been left uninformed for over one year. Many of them came from giving spontaneously and generously over 18 months ago, to offer some disaster-relief to those in immediate need. While now possibly looking at these funds being turned into a feel-good gesture only: for a select group of Onagawa Japanese - by a small special-interest group of Nelsonites.

With most of the money to end-up in pockets of middlemen and a truck dealer?

A long-overdue in-depth look at this City-Hall tangle must be facilitated by a willingly! proactive Council NOW!



Sunday, 11 November 2012

Onagawa Trucking Ltd: What a Load...!

As soon as we abandon our reason and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles.
                                                                   Bertrand Russell

This post follows
Onagawa Trucking Ltd
which follows
Nelson: Blessed Relief? I Wish!
which follows
Onagawhat Now?
These are the basis for this latest in the series - read from the bottom up.

Mayor Dooley's desultory, largely superficial/non-factual, often beside-the-point, short and - above all - very late in coming communication - towards the end of the Regular Council Meeting (RCM), Nov. 5 - was not the earthquake-relief-funding update in our next meeting, promised by him, Sep. 18 - now 3 meetings ago. Rather - it was prompted by Councillor Cherbo's request for clarification on the issue and given against the backdrop of Council not providing any input whatsoever. Not one question! Not a word! Nothing!

After the recent extensive local media-coverage of Nelson's humanitarian-relief concerns - or the lack thereof - one could have reasonably expected the mayor - as spokesperson for the group efforting with getting someone in Onagawa to accept our donated funds (how bizarre is that!) - would finally want to straighten out his group's vague and spotty image/record, by explaining how what has been done-and-not. And his involvement in it. Open. Transparent.
Significant here - and very troubling - that the mayor seems to have had inside-info all along - info neither Council nor the general public has access to - prior to announcing his intended update - never upped - never cancelled!
Bluntly: the mayor appears to have been withholding information of direct major concern to the donating public and Council.

Like the truck-decision - supposedly made by his group right after Sep. 17 - which the public and Council could find out about only a month later on-line, in The Nelson Daily, Oct. 16, running an exploratory article on Nelson's fundraising disaster, this in response to my questions in the Committee of the Whole, (COW), Sep. 17.
Neither the mayor nor his committee volunteering anything about this phantom-truck within that month. Maybe they were worried - so they ducked!

Easy to see why - what with this truck materializing practically overnight - and in reaction to my presentation to the same COW. Not because - as the group eventually claimed when confronted - they had become highly re-charged/motivated by my presentation, but - let's be real here! - because they suddenly had to worry about losing their monopolizing grip on the donated funds (more of the same bizarre!). Seeing that several councillors - the day after said COW, Sep. 18 - finally involved themselves by wanting these funds to be sent-off asap! No smarmy gifts - just cash to where most needed! To the Red Cross or such!

So, who told the group? about this Inside-City-Hall development and kicked them into truck-mode: cocking-up this miracle of timing, with someone in Onagawa thrown in as having originated the idea - just to be on the safe side. Attempting to safely lock-in these funds to feed their agenda: after over one year of next to nothing - suddenly a just-like-that! proverbial flurry of actvity.

This obsession with Onagawa-Only! makes very clear that to the City/group humanitarian relief just for the sake of helping is not an issue - but applauded self-glorification is! Non-Onagawa Japanese in need - who cares! - need not apply!

Little wonder there was no update, no timely truck-info volunteered - those in charge of this set-up were - still are - hoping things will die down, just go away.

Well, they're not going away - so this is a new experience for everybody!

The Mayor's Council
During the RCM, putting out a press-release was contemplated to inform the public on the progress of some item before Council - I forgot what. Yet - although blindingly appropriate - this was not suggested later on by the mayor or Council for the donated-funds issue!
And I can see why: sudden transparency may have demanded too many answers from the mayor thus Council, just as the update in our next meeting would have. So keeping it all in the backroom surely was the way to go. Opaque and woolly.

Earlier in this meeting, the mayor became dramatically indignant over some tagging of a hydro-box on Stanley ... I just don't understand ... all I want is beauty for Nelson ... while later showing none of this indignation over those Non-Onagawa Japanese still suffering.
Just as astonishing is how excited - on one hand - Council can get over inanimate-stuff issues. Like when they discussed a possible stretch of sidewalk - somewhere in the hills and going nowhere - and the pros and contras of concrete vs. crushed-granite to cover it. So excited: they went into overtime with it. And - on the other hand - just as astonishing: how little excitement they will muster with animates - like people in need even - if not sure whether the boss will approve. Same meeting.

One can see why: in a small town, personal agendas in search of context are run with a careful-just-in-case app - anywhere, anytime, with anyone. And with Council-work being a poorly paid parttime overtime thing only ...
Understandable yes - acceptable definitely not!

Details Of The Mayor's Communication, RCM - Nov. 5
Clearly directed at me; here in bits and mostly paraphrased:
The committee has been working very hard on this issue.
Response (now, here - there was no space for it within the meeting's structure):
Putting (misdirecting) a lot of energy into something does not automatically guarantee success. Wendy LaCroix (WLC) told me - at the end of August - how tired and frustrated she and everybody else in the group was; they had no focus; they hadn't met in some time; she didn't know whether all members were in town; there had been no contact with Japan in a while. Councillor Cherbo - having attended meetings of this ilk - generally confirmed this.

Anybody is welcome to join the committee and make suggestions.
This had never been offered before. Whatever - it would be pointless to join now - seeing that clearly the decision to buy a truck was made some time ago by them and the mayor, to the point where - according to him - now the committee and the City have to work out how to deal with the truck's purchase in Japan and how to get it to Onagawa.
I did indeed make suggestions to WLC: our contact was positive - she told me she would connect with whoever of the group was in town, and we would have a meeting. I believe she was sincere then. But she didn't call me back, neither did she respond to a follow-up email. Who prompted here not to?
Yet despite this, they supposedly became energized by me - and this gush of new energy manifested the truck! Stroking me: gross!

Now the Japanese Consulate is handling the trucking process for the committee and a Mr. Doi in Onagawa.
I don't see the consulate in Vancouver wasting its time (and paying for it!?) with an insignificant private, single-truck purchase in Japan, particularly in view of the huge and very real disaster-problems there.
Unfailingly polite gestures initiated there would do little for Nelson, except present a very drawn-out bow-for-bow process going nowhere. Sumimasen!
This takes me back to the mayor saying in October that the committee and the City now need to work out details of the truck purchase. Considering the group's ineptitude thus far, the City surely would have to supply considerable amounts of time, energy, manpower and money to facilitate this, under there-given circumstances.
So what's with this consulate-thing now - except that it sounds good, makes it look as if something is actually happening. Providing a good cover!

The truck will be used for community events, moving things, seniors.
Tepid examples for the truck's use clearly were improvised on the spot - adding seniors is a nice touch. But - in winter - getting bunches of seniors to wherever on the back of a flat-bed truck - not so much.
Obviously this truck would not be the only one in the world - a live-or-die, post-apocalypto thing - it would simply provide occasional conveniencee for some, be a gift. Hardly need-based humanitarian relief there - but a vanity-project here. Another plaque in the making: the mayor's name on it.
Adding to this is the recent report that extraordinary amounts of Japanese government-funds - made available for disaster-relief - have been misdirected/appropriated. Meaning: if a truck were really so desperately needed in Onagawa - the funds are surely available, possibly just a bit cumbersome to get at.

While the non-political, not-for-profit Red Cross - run by donations only - is applying funds directly in on-the-ground, pre-assessed and supervised, hands-on situations. Still active at Ground Zero today! If the mayor and his group were interested in humanitarian relief as such.

It is obvious that Nelson's donated funds must go to the Japanese Red Cross instead of into the pockets of car-dealers and middlemen. 

End of statements/responses

The Mayor's Manager
Part of the backroom-lack-of-transparency is the lately much mentioned fact - eliciting no response from Mr. Cormack: how much in donations exactly is in this City-held account?
Then there is the possible cluster-bomb of the mayor claiming not be sure to whom the funds belong - and there being no written legal documentation regarding ownership and who has legal authority to safeguard and release these funds (to whom and under what conditions). Yes, Mr.Cormack?
Substantial resources would be needed to facilitate the mayor's unilateral decision to have the committee and the City work out details of the truck purchase. I don't believe the City's manager has authority to allocate non-specific amounts of tax-payer-originated funds to an unapproved project - in other words: also act unilaterally. Yet he has not openly taken a position regarding any of this. Press-release!
Under these circumstances, Mr. Cormack's stirring proclamation of his professional infallibility, COW, Oct.22, draws attention.

With its version of relief-response, the City of Nelson administration has moved from lack of transparency to lack of accountability to lack of credibility.With nowhere left to go but up!
So go already - all of you!

Nelson Citizen's Tsunami Relief Donations Still In Local Bank
Bill Metcalfe - 250.352.7670
Oct. 16, 2012
The Bridge
Money Always Headed To Onagawa: Mayor
Glenn Hicks -
Oct. 26, 2012
Relief Without A Cause
Greg Nesteroff - 250.352.1890
Nov. 1, 2012
