Saturday 13 September 2014

Destination: Nelson! (Part 2) - Festival of Lights

This post - in a series of 5 - follows that immediately below.

All images here are of the Berlin Cathedral - illuminated as part of the
Festival of Lights - Berlin, Germany 2012.

The (generally little-known) Spurway Trust Fund was established in Nelson - and locked-in with a bylaw - in 1985, with about $93.500. Then only the interest to be spent on flags and decorative lighting: for the purpose of purchase and upkeep of festival and holiday decorations and street decorations in the City of Nelson.


Over time it has been tapped-into in bits and pieces. In 2012 and 13 to in-part finance Xmas "Festivals of Lights" here. The results hardly remarkable: certainly nowhere near what one may expect from an effort using this name.
The fund has grown to currently about $120.000 - and its use may be modified by Council. Appropriate use would be towards the color-with-lights-and-paint transformation of downtown presented in the preceding post - and with example-images here. Granted: on a somewhat smaller scale - but you get the picture!


The name Festival of Lights is registered. Therefore, its use for any event/purpose in Nelson - including Spurway documentation - is against relevant international laws. By the way.

Destination: Nelson (Part 3) - The (Extra)Ordinary

Festival of Lights - Berlin

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