Saturday 4 January 2014

The City Hall (Blurred) Vision Quest - Part 2

Having read Part 1 below first or again will make Part 2 more easily followed.

When Councillor Kozak advises me in the Committee of the Whole (COW), Dec. 16, that Roger Brooks (Mr. Star Trek) had been in Nelson 2 years or so ago, she does not (why not?) mention that the City actually has much lengthier history with him and his now Roger Brooks International (RBI) group, operating from Renton, WA. With the rest of Council (in the know?) sitting there in noncommittal homogeneous silence. On their own trajectory - the usual.

This history making the notion to superimpose an identity/vision/brand - presented undefined in the COW, Nov. 18, by Drysdale & Mackenzie (D&M), then barely probed by Council and automatically referred to Staff - manipulative of due process and clearly not for public concern.

Tourism Assessment of Nelson
History: In Feb. 2006 - 8 (eight) years ago! - RBI produces for the City the Tourism Assessment of Nelson. Its purpose: making coming here and spending money more appealing to tourists. The resulting paper is 53 pages long, simply worded - reasonable. Using Nelson's 60.000 dollar logo! It looks at Nelson from a visitor's point of view: what is and what of that works and doesn't and how to reasonably improve it.
Accompanying pictures show that at least 8 years ago other comparable places already looked the way Nelson today could/would/wishes to if it got itself motivated and organized! No great shifts necessary - just being reasonable and follow-the-breadcrumbs proactive. A step-by-step manual. How easy is that!

The complete paper can be found at
Roger Brooks Tourism Assessment

These observations/recommendations still applicable today: this paper has never been implemented, curiously is never mentioned - publicly at least - within the current identity-search!
While in their COW-presentation C&M do not have a plan - period - they do know that the logo will not be part of it.

In fact, the paper clearly has been disregarded - consultant-produced plans habitually are, regardless of costs - by the Cultural Development Committee (CDC) under Councillor Donna Macdonald, Chair, and Joy Barrett, Cultural Development Officer.
Major weirdness: now we have the same Joy Barrett and Councillor Paula Kiss clamor for a locked-in identity/vision/brand because the CDC's work has been unfocused and expensive. Which it didn't have to be: had somebody - anybody! - implemented this basic plan. And the CDC were run with more circumspection.
Implementation could have moved Nelson towards a vision thus a real identity; it could have formed a strong base - philosophical/practical and economic - for a major Nelson-attraction as tourist-destination. Over the course of the last 8 years - building from the bottom up.

While wanting to superimpose this mythical identity/vision/brand now means applying a label to something which should have been but never was actualized - a structure for it.
Ironically the Brooks Assessment also clearly explains the need for backing a label like Queen City of the Kootenays (his example!) with physical come-hither evidence. Which raises the question how Mr. Brooks will stick one on (to?) Nelson without such. Seeing that even Barrett admits to the lack of a unified creative vision and stuff a bit piecemeal here.

Also see post
The Emperor's New Clothes
2 July 2013 

At His End
So now Mr. Brooks is brought in AGAIN! - to be paid AGAIN! - for running the same scenario by Nelson's identifiers AGAIN!  
If integrity were a concern at his end: he would tell them to get with the program already! But who knows - maybe he's been led to believe that Nelson actually implemented his assessment and now only wants him to provide the finishing touch, a crown. But if so - didn't he check? Money!
He - in 2006 - did basic field-work quite well: observed and categorized facts and formulated solutions reasonable in cost and amount of work needed. Imposing an identity only - seemingly not so much. See Vulcan, Alberta!

At Our End
If integrity were a concern here:
Barrett would NOT attempt to have Mackenzie - her husband - become a taxpayer-paid identity-cop, alongside Drysdale - he connected to the Advisory Planning Commission (APC).
Kevin Cormack, City Employee, would NOT use his position to push this nonofficial identity-effort vigorously - expecting public funding.
Councillor Macdonald - previously the CDC-member from Council - would NOT be the CDC's Chair now. In absolute control! Not just of the CDC but the Heritage Working Group as well. And all the attention - resulting in witless funding - she can absorb.
Members of various City Committees/Commissions would NOT sit on several of these at the same time.
The Chamber of Commerce would cop to the fact that they're partly to blame for the current ethical swamp, while - ironically - having posted (but seemingly not read!) the Brooks Assessment on their own website.
Nelson Kootenay Lake Tourism - in tandem with the Chamber - would become seriously productive for real. Using their own slogan: For Real!

If integrity indeed were a concern here.


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