Thursday 4 July 2013

Premier Clark, By-Product



During the last provincial election Christina Clark lost her seat in Vancouver-Point Grey. Lost as in: out! not wanted!
One might think that this would/should have finished her as premier as well. Not so. Based on parliamentary precedent(?) she is allowed to keep that job but must win a seat in a by-election - if she wants to be an active member of the BC Legislature. Seen as helpful in premiering.
So party-hacks looked around for the safest possible riding anywhere in BC: with a doable airport (quick in-and-out!) and held by a Liberal seat-warmer willing to give up perks and glory for the boss. To allow for a by-election. Thus her win of the seat.

Never mind whether she lives in the riding, knows anything about the riding, is interested in the riding-as-such, will give up time to spend time in the riding.

And they found this construct of convenience in Westside-Kelowna and a Ben Stewart. He - surely backroomed thoroughly - said yeah, anything for the Party. Left unceremoniously. And a by-election was called just like that! Stewart candidly admitting that he gave up his seat to make room for Clark. What a guy! What constituency?

For the few who may care: this calls the BC Liberals' ethos into question in the biggest possible way. As it must make same few once again marvel at the bog of Canadian politics.
I say a few: because in all the recent reporting on this by-election - principally by the CBC - not once have I heard anyone - reporter, host, caller-in - question the woman's willingness to truly represent the riding. No voices even from inside Kelowna! After all, at least Stewart was sort-of there there.

Her handlers decided to have her take part in only one candidates' debate. No wonder: she's busy elsewhere and - though surely well-prepped with campaign-promises by a Party-machine other candidates don't have! - knows no more about the vagaries of life in Westlake/Kelowna than I do from listening to bits of Daybreak South and passing through on a Greyhound.

But there's a slew of other candidates who - one hopes - will unite instead of split the vote, will very vocally look at/for the machinations behind Clark's intentions.
And while they're at it check into her attendance records at Simon Fraser University, the Sorbonne and the University of Edinburgh, all of these she supposedly attended and from none of these she supposedly graduated.
Our premier!

        What if she loses this one too wink-wink!


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