Sunday 20 January 2013

Canada Lives HERE!

Reuters - Sep. 25, 2009
We are the one country everybody would like to be. We also have no colonialism. So we have all the things that many people admire about the great powers - but none of the things that threaten or bother them.
Says the Harper at the G-20 in Pittsburgh, Pa.

This is reassuring because there may be those among us who could easily slip into NOW-what-THIS-time! embarrassment over the maple leaf on the new $20 bill supposedly having too many pointy bits or something - making it come from anything but the real, true, flag-waving Canadian maple. Zillions have been printed.
Possibly an issue for tree-huggers of various points: the depicted leaf - next to Mum looking pleasantly non-genderish - seems to be from an invasive species! And/or Norway!
This after the very recent multi-cultural flap over the new $100 bill - with the multi not being white enough. Its maple leaf looking just as pointy - to me.

Both bills are biodegradable: best kept out of the clothes-dryer. And cars: with windows rolled-up, parked in the mall lot for an extended length of time, on a hot summer day. I'm melting! I'm melting!

But now that hockey is back - beer consumption will go up again, and people will fill the existential void with both. So - as long as Ottawa Ground-Control doesn't mess with basic colors of bills, and denomination numbers are large enough to be easily identified in whatever state of mind - who cares about detail!
Like pennies!

Which in February Ground-Control will start pulling out of circulation. This predictably resulting in temporary withdrawal symptoms: businesses then having to round-up/down and customers expecting to be ripped-off!
Question: Do you now pick-up a penny from the sidewalk? A dime?

Another question - quick! - don't use your fingers: How many provinces does Canada have? 
Regardless - the CBC reassures us

Canada Lives HERE!

Which is true and all we really need to know.
Deep too!

As are we!


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