Friday 9 March 2012

KHAOS the movie


Mickey, I'm so bored! This summer vacation is too long, I don't know what to do with myself!
I know what we can do, Judy, let's put on a show!
Oh yeah, let's! My dad says this year the darn corn won't be as high as an elephant's eye because of the bad weather, and the harvest won't be any good. So we can do it in our barn, there will be lots of room!
Right-on! What should the show be all about?
Well, what about the corn? Everybody sure is worried sick about it in Pleasantville right now! So, I bet they'll come to our show!
But isn't just corn too predictable?
Why, Mickey, here in Pleasantville, the cutest little arts-town in the whole wide world, everybody knows I and you are mighty artistic too, so they'll come no matter what! And we'll call it the opera and put something about Greek gods and tragedy in it too, just for the hoity-toity, and the corn, so it sure can't miss. I mean, all this is really good stuff for opera because it is a big and dramatic form, it is not subtle or understated in any sense. In other words we'll rock this!
Cool, Judy, we're gonna make everybody think they rock too! And if we talk

enough about corn in Pleasantville as the opera with a Greek woo-woo factor and that everybody here can be in on it - they'll even give us money before! But I'm a bit worried too! Will they understand Greek woo-woo?
If people don't understand what's going on through the language, they will be able to tell through the tone of music. It will even bring out some of the subtleties. Listen-up, Mickey, if we are pulling out all the stops and are  determined that we spare no expense to maximize the production values and the theatrical and musical impact it'll be a great show!
My word, Judy, if you aren't just the cleverest girl! Maybe you can also write something for the newspaper about it; that way we know it's gonna be just what we want!
But, dude, what should I say?
Now don't talk foolish, Judy Garland, just you write the way you explained it to me now!
But what if I run out of stuff to say?
I reckon you can say the same stuff over again. Easy! And then you list all the important people we're gonna invite. More easy!
Golly, should we invite the Queen too?
Sure thing, Judy, doesn't matter if she comes, as long as everybody knows she's invited, here in our sweet little Pleasantville!
And Jason over at the radio station can do a commercial for us too!
What's a commercial?
A commercial is when you pay somebody to say something really awesome about you on the radio!
Like what?
Like this is the musical experience of the century! And Classico can just say on his Classical Corner program that it's a classic! 
But we haven't even done the show yet! How can they say that stuff period and already too!
Now you listen here, Mickey Rooney: before, after, whenever who cares! This is bigger than the both of us: today Pleasantville tomorrow ze vorld!
Alright, bring it! Oh, I just remembered, Judy, there still is a bunch of those posters around, you know: from my Uncle Judd's understated high-end Kobe beef restaurant. We can use 'em for our show!
Sure thing, Mickey, and if we make enough money with this, do you think I could maybe perhaps even get a pair of those cute sparkly-red slippers for myself?
You'd look mighty pretty in them, Judy!
Oh, Mickey!
Oh, Judy!

Morning after the world premiere: a contributing editor to a Canadian opera magazine - maybe THE - knowledgeably declares this amazing and that amazing and Nelson amazing and everything amazing. Amazingly - she does not mention the music! Or the singer - who sang Demeter with such a lovely voice - by her real name. Or the composer. Or the librettist. Ever! At all!
Not so amazingly - neither does the CBC host/interviewer mention it/them during his live show lasting hours! But then, he had already - refreshingly - copped to knowing nothing about opera, while several times alluding to most in his show's audience probably not knowing either wink-wink!
Also on this Friday: the on-line Express runs the fattish front-page headline Opera KHAOS outstanding! to then rerun an earlier KHAOS press-release, without actually mentioning anything about Thursday's first performance at all.

Done with my review - stuff in italics are actual quotes - I'm ready for the matinee tomorrow. Bring that too!

                                                                                          Amazing Pleasantville!


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